To maintain health and beauty, every woman must do these 5 things before sleeping

 Things Every Woman Must Do Before Going to Bed: We have told 5 such things to women, which if done 10 minutes before sleeping every night, can make the skin beautiful and healthy. 


Things Every Woman Must Do Before Going to Bed: Be it a man or a woman, everyone dreams of good health and beautiful skin. For which he does not shy away from making many efforts. Despite this, many times their problem remains the same. In such a situation, if you are not able to take time for self-care due to household chores and office tension, then do these 5 things for 5-10 minutes every day before sleeping. Yoga and lifestyle expert Kamya has shared a video on her Instagram and told women about 5 such things, which if done 10 minutes before sleeping every night, can make the skin beautiful and healthy. 

Face Wash

Before sleeping at night, clean your face with a natural clencher using lukewarm water. 

Soak your feet in warm water 

Women should soak their feet in warm water for 10 minutes before sleeping at night. Hot water improves blood circulation. This reduces the shrinkage of the veins present in the legs. Due to this, the swelling of feet starts reducing rapidly. By doing this, the skin gets hydrated stress is reduced, blood circulation improves, sleep quality improves and relaxation is provided.   

Face Massage

Before sleeping at night, you should massage your face for 5 to 10 minutes. By doing this, the dark circles under the eyes are reduced and the swelling and wrinkles of the eyes are reduced. Apart from this, the sagging skin around the eyes gets tightened. You can use any good facial oil for facial massage. Doing this reduces facial wrinkles and also brings a glow to the face.

Foot massage

There are many benefits of massaging your feet before sleeping at night. Doing this not only improves blood circulation but also provides relief from the symptoms of menopause. The benefits of massaging your feet include body relaxation, better sleep, relief from body pain, and relief from depression and mood swings.

Oil in the navel 

Putting oil in the navel before sleeping at night not only maintains the moisture of the skin but also helps in clearing the dirt accumulated in the navel along with providing relief from stomach aches, and menstrual pain and also improves fertility and eyesight. It happens.

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